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  • What Is Gematria And Can It Unlock A Hidden Code To The Universe?

What Is Gematria And Can It Unlock A Hidden Code To The Universe? You can find the Reverse Ordinal Gematria value of any word by the gematria decoder. Gematria is most commonly used within Jewish culture. However, the most common use of gematria is to obtain a more spiritual understanding of a religious text. The exact meaning drawn from gematria depends on a person's individual beliefs. An ancient version of gematria was a fully developed mathematical system that used words to reveal sums that they intended future readers to discover. Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. Presumably the use of the Phoenician alphabet on Alexander Jannaeus' coins was simulating the First-Temple biblical letterset, which had been in place hundreds of years earlier. This coin uses a circular O for the letter Samek S when writing the name AlekSander instead of the three lined $ used in the Phoneician alphabet. This is an influence of the Assyrian Aramaic font ס which was used as Samek at the time in official documents and day to day use. It assigns the values 1–9, 10–90, 100–400 to the 22 Hebrew letters in order. Sometimes it is also called Mispar ha-Panim , as opposed to the more complicated Mispar ha-Akhor . A single word can yield several values depending on the cipher which is used.