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The completed wheel allowed us to review and mitigate the negative impacts. The wheel shows us how projects and decisions will impact the environment and people. If it shows us that a project will have a negative effect on the climate, citizens or wider environmental concerns like biodiversity and pollution, we can look at mitigations to restore balance. Make sure your child takes the primary lead in creating his or her wheel of choice. Your child can be creative and decide if he or she would like to draw pictures or symbols to represent solutions, or to find pictures on the Internet. Then let your child choose where to hang his or her wheel of choice. You have the option of giving your wheel spinner a message for the winner when you get the results by simply inserting your input into the Winner Message input field. People often use this tool for raffles, teaching, remote events, and many other places. The next section details the features of the picker wheel. – If your team can’t decide whether or not a meeting would be useful for them, just head to the spinner wheel. Providing training across all departments to relevant staff to ensure that they are up to speed takes time and commitment. To address this, we decided to deliver the training and support in an agile way, focusing on those likely to use the tool initially. A key element of utilising the tool is recognising that it must evolve if it is to continue to be effective in supporting decision making. We have a small team who support on all the above work, while also focusing on developing the CDDW, so that it meets current needs. This requires us to generate, review and alter the methodology we use for the tool, so that it recognises changes in government policy and climate change research. If you have any type of concerns pertaining to where and the best ways to make use of hashtag on pinterest, you can contact us at the web page. Whilst a lot of effort has gone into building a level of quality assurance into the tool itself, we recognised that it would only be as good as the person utilising it. We established a Steering Group to guide initial application of the tool and focused on the Council’s officers in policy and project development roles. You can add an unlimited amount of choices to the wheel, but we would advise to not use more than 100 choices to the wheel to make it still look pretty and readable. Keep your answers and choices short to have the best experience.